Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Crimes

Calgary is an amazing city, consist of many people from many countries because they came to study or live in.
I'm from ksa in al-dammam ,and  most of countries consist of many kind of people, but some of them they are muggers. They like to do crimes or hurt people to take money or killing any one that they hate or take whatever they want.  Also, some of them they are sick in hurting people .
 I see that Calgary is a safe place and I feel comfortable during my sitting here, and the police men available in malls, street, universities and anywhere.
They are do the best that they can to safe people, and when some people face an attack they came as fast as possible to protect the victims and catch the thieves or the muggers.
Calgary and al-dammam are the same in their policy to protect people from muggers and do the best to give them the good punish.
 I hope the safe on these countries will continue during the life and no one face any negative problem that hurt them and ends their live.

The biggest crime loooool

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Eid Alfeter ..

Eid Alfeter is a poblic vestival in Saudi Arabia. It comes after Ramadan.

1- we give children money and candy like a gift.

2- first day, we always all my family meet each ather at grandmather house.

3- second day, we usually go anyplace such as parks, beaches or Toy towen.

for me, my family and I usually go park and have a picnic on second day.

 we eat candy, date and cookies .

we slay sheep to eat and give somee of it for foor people and heighbors.

I like this festival because all my famil

Monday, October 11, 2010


Money is important for live. I cannot complete my life without it because the money is a reason to buy water, food and clothing.

 you should work to get money.

When I have one million I will do some amazing activity. First, I will help people want helping in anyplace. Second, I would like to travel all the world because I like traveling. Finally, I will buy a dazzling car, huge house and I want all my family live with me.

Sunday, October 3, 2010


Hi , how are you ؟

I will talk about my city in saudi Arabia, it is called Hail.

Hail is located in the northern part of Saudi Arabia.

Tourist attractions:-
 1- It has many beautiful nature. There are 2 maunts, they called Aja and Salma.

2- Alreey resort : It is a nice place. I hope everyone go to Hail, visit Alreey resort. When you go there, you will feel refreshed.
 pictures for this resort :

Food :
1- Qursan: A traditional tasty Saudi dish, rich in vegetables, spices and fluffy Qursan bread.
2- Matazeez or Musabeeb: It's basically small pancakes. They brush butter on them and purs some honey.
I like Metazeez so much but when I came to Canada I never taste it,  I miss it :( .

I hope you enjoyed in this short tour in my city Hail .
Thanks :) ...